Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Or have I?

I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; behold, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O LORD. I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation.
Psalms 40:9-10
Or have I?

Reading these verses today was very convicting. These are clearly not my words. These are clearly not my thoughts. I honestly had my fair share of opportunities to share glad news of deliverance today...but I did not. I have hidden God's deliverance within my heart. Like Jonah, I keep running away. God keeps telling me to go to Ninevah, but I keep turning my back on what God commands and run to Tarshish. Am I like Jonah? Do I fear that the people I share the glad news of deliverance will hear it and believe? Do I fear that God will relent of His anger towards them, draw them to Himself by the Spirit, reveal the precious blood of Christ poured out for our salvation, and they will look upon the cross with eyes of faith and be saved?

All of the 'haves' of David are 'have nots' for me, and vice versa. I have not told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation. I have restrained my lips, as you know, O Lord. I have hidden your deliverance within my heart. I have not spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation. I have concealed you steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation. I have buried my talent, only to return it to you when you return. Others around me are investing their talents, and are using the talent you gave them to gather more and more for you. My talent lies in the dirt, not even collecting interest in a bank. What is the outcome to be expected? Will you not return and remove the talent from me and give it to the one who earned the most?

What are we so afraid of? Is being a Christian such a crime? Is sharing the good news with those you care about "pushing your religion on others"? Is the Gospel not cool enough? We do not want to be judgmental Christians. We do not want others to think that we are better than them. But where is there room for me in the Gospel? What do I have to proclaim by sharing it besides the glory of God?! Sharing the Gospel is not about saying, "Look at me! Look what I have done! Jesus died for my sins and accepted Him into my life! What a good person I am!" Heaven forbids! Sharing the Gospel is proclaiming, "I am a sinner. I was born in sin. Conceived in sin! I was dead in my trespasses and sins. I did not seek God, but rather, I rebelled against Him. I hated Him. He was my enemy. And yet, He loved me. With no warrant of my own, He loved me. He sent His Son to become the propitiation for my sins. Jesus fulfilled the Law that I broke no matter what, and He imputed His righteousness to me. Jesus placed pure vestments upon my shoulders and placed my filthy rags upon His. He became a curse for me, nailed my sins to the cross, and bore the punishment of God's wrath for my sins. He died. He was buried, but in three days He rose again. His disciples witnessed the risen Christ, and one of the church's greatest persecutors, the chief of all sinners, witnessed the risen Savior. Jesus ascended into Heaven, sending the Spirit as our helper and comforter as we now await Christ Jesus' return. The Spirit is with me, effectually calling me from death, placing the promise of salvation in Christ Jesus as a gift of grace upon me, and leading me out of sin, and conforming me more and more into the image of my Lord and Savior through my sanctification. Look at me. I did nothing. I am a sinner. But by the grace of God, Christ's righteousness has been imputed to me for salvation. Believe and be saved, fellow sinner. Fear God and kiss the Son lest you perish in your ways!"

What's so hard about that? That is good news! And judging from what I see every morning on the national news, our friends and families could use some real good news. Pray for me, as I also pray for you, brothers and sisters. Let Christ's Gospel be on our tongues. Let us pray that the Spirit would enable these words to be on our tongues. Let us share glad news of deliverance. Let God's kingdom reign now and forevermore. Let us share the good tidings we have to bring with those we love but yet live in sin. The lost cannot find hope if those that have been given hope remain silent. Conceal this truth not. Let it be proclaimed. No matter the cost. To live is Christ, and to die is gain. There is no greater call than this!


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